Astrazeneca Agreement Eu

AstraZeneca has been in the headlines recently following a dispute over the supply of its COVID-19 vaccine to the European Union (EU). The dispute has centred around the EU`s claim that AstraZeneca is not fulfilling its agreement to provide the bloc with a certain number of vaccine doses. In this article, we will take a closer look at the AstraZeneca agreement with the EU and the implications of this dispute.

Background to the AstraZeneca Agreement

In August 2020, AstraZeneca signed an agreement with the European Commission (EC) to supply up to 400 million doses of its COVID-19 vaccine to the EU. The agreement stipulated that the doses would be delivered on a rolling basis, with the first batch of doses to be delivered by December 2020. AstraZeneca received funding from the EU to support the development and manufacturing of the vaccine.

The agreement also included a clause that allowed AstraZeneca to delay delivery of the vaccine in the event of production issues. However, the company was required to give the EU as much advance notice as possible of any such delays. The agreement did not specify the number of doses that AstraZeneca was required to deliver by a certain date, but it did require the company to make its `best effort` to meet its obligations.

Dispute over Vaccine Supply

In January 2021, AstraZeneca announced that it would be unable to deliver as many doses of its COVID-19 vaccine to the EU as originally planned due to production issues at its manufacturing facilities. The company stated that it would only be able to deliver 25% of the doses that had been agreed for the first quarter of 2021.

The announcement caused outrage in the EU, with several member states accusing AstraZeneca of breaking its agreement. The EU also raised concerns that AstraZeneca was prioritising the delivery of vaccines to the UK, where the company has a separate agreement in place.

AstraZeneca has denied any wrongdoing and has stated that it is working to resolve the production issues as quickly as possible. The company has also stated that the EU`s claim that it is not fulfilling its agreement is based on a misunderstanding of the contract.

Implications of the Dispute

The dispute between AstraZeneca and the EU has raised concerns about the reliability of vaccine supply and the ability of pharmaceutical companies to meet their contractual obligations. The EU has threatened to take legal action against AstraZeneca if the company does not deliver the agreed number of vaccine doses.

The dispute has also highlighted the importance of transparency in vaccine supply agreements. Critics have argued that the AstraZeneca agreement with the EU was too vague and did not provide a clear framework for delivery of the vaccine. Going forward, it is likely that vaccine supply agreements will become more detailed and specific in order to avoid similar disputes.


The AstraZeneca agreement with the EU has been a contentious issue in recent months, with the company accused of not fulfilling its contractual obligations. The dispute has raised concerns about vaccine supply and the reliability of pharmaceutical companies to meet their obligations. Going forward, there is likely to be more scrutiny of vaccine supply agreements and calls for greater transparency in the delivery of vaccines.

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